Moomin mug
Sleep Well
- Arabia Moomin mug number #97
- Price estimate: 5-10€
- Price with sticker: 10-15€
- Production: 2019-
- Designer: Tove Slotte
- Category: Special mugs
- Size: 0,3l
If you think that Arabia Moomin mug Sleep Well’s style resembles True to Its Origins mug, you are absolutely correct. Sleep Well Moomin mug is a continuation to True to Its Origins series.
Sleep Well mug was added to the True Its Origins collection, but all the old products still remained in production. (And still remain at this time in 2023.)
True to Its Origins collection
True to Its Origins collection was launched in the autumn of 2017. Illustrations for the series are from Moomin novel Moominpappa at Sea. This stylish white and black Moomin collection consist of a plate, a bowl, a jar, a pitcher and two mugs.