Moomin mug ABC I 0,4l

  • Arabia Moomin mug number #139
  • Price estimate: 10-20€
  • Price with sticker: 20-30€
  • Production: 2023-
  • Designer: Tove Slotte
  • Category: 0.4l Moomin mugs
  • Size: 0,4l

The Inspector is stealing the spotlight on the Alphabet mug letter I. He is often referred as the Moomin police as well. 

The artwork is from the Moomin book Fuddler’s Courtship, in which Fillyjonk and The Inspector are going bonkers, since Doctor Hatter is pointing out some rather interesting observations about their behaviour. The book was published in 1959.

On the back of the mug Fillyjonk is using an umbrella, even though the sun is shining.  

Arabia ABC Moomin mugs

Moomin ABC-collection is part of «The Reading, Writing and the Moomins» initiative. Mugs are bigger 0,4 liter sized Moomin mugs, which is about 14 Oz. 

Some people also call these bigger mugs as Moomin tea mugs and the smaller ones as coffee mugs.

90’s Moomin mugs
Winter Moomin mugs
Summer Moomin mugs
Special Moomin mugs
Character Moomin mugs
0,4l Moomin mugs
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